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Coping and Living a Healthy Life at Home


With the second outbreak of COVID-19 coming,  this time the stress is going to really come on strong. Fear and anxiety about COVID-19 can be extremely overwhelming for many of us. Learning how to cope with stress and keeping yourself healthy while at home will make you, the people you care about and your community stronger.

Let’s Stay Calm Together

  • Information is useful but too much information can cause more worry and stress. Limit the amount of news you watch. Most of the time it’s the same thing being addressed that you heard an hour ago. Turn off the television and put on your favorite music album.
  • Take the necessary and recommended precautions, but don’t try to “innovate” new ones. As with all dangers, the trick is to be “careful enough.” When we try to ensure 100% safety, we can get caught up in unhelpful behaviors.
  • Keep up with your daily routines. Maintaining regular schedules and routines is a good way to keep anxiety at ease and feel normal. Even if you have to make some changes, maintaining the overall routine is helpful for the mind.
  • Don’t completely isolate yourself from others. Friends and family can bring you so much joy. Maintaining relationships and social support are good ways to combat anxiety. Even if you’re in self-quarantine or mandatory quarantine, keep up with your family and friends. Everyone is dealing with the same situation. Maybe they’ll have a few tips and tricks to make everything seem less bizarre.
  • Let’s get that screen time percentage down! Too much time on the phone or the computer, on social media or websites can lead to less activity throughout the day which can cause more anxiety.

Find Peace in the Little Things

The suggestions listed above are great but sometimes we need a little “me” time to take the stress off. You can try:

  • Take a long bubble bath surrounded with candles and a nice drink of choice
  • Apply Skin MD Shielding Lotion on your face and body after your bath to ensure your skin stays hydrated. We all hate itchy winter skin. (Pro-tip: drop some lavender essential oils on your wrist and massage it in with your lotion. The feeling is so calming -You won’t regret it!)
  • Get yourself a small treat. Whether it’s a coffee from your favorite local coffee shop, that blouse you’ve been wanting or that candle that makes it feel like it’s the holidays - Rewarding yourself is much needed.
  • Cook your favorite meal. Food makes everyone feel better, right?

Just remember everyone is going through this. At some point everyone has felt some sort of anxiety, stress, depression, fear or loneliness. Reach out to someone if you feel you need some help or if you feel you can offer help to others. All we have is each other at this time - Stay safe throughout the holidays!

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