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Itchy Skin Reviews

Dry Itchy Skin reviews

“Skin MD Shielding Lotion™ has been in our local Watsons for 3 years now and there’s something really good about it. Maybe it’s the Aloe Vera. Maybe it’s the scientific work that has gone into formulating it. There’s just something really wonderful about this product. I received a 120ml bottle a week ago and after intensive use, I’ve found my body’s HG moisturizer.”

Lane Teo

“I absolutely love what this lotion has done for my skin! I have horrendously dry skin in the winter time and this Pennsylvania winter has been brutal! I actually scratched my dry, scaly legs open this winter. EWWWWW!!! Skin MD utilizes the latest developments in skin care technology as well as the most effective botanical ingredients to restore your outer layer of skin’s ability to protect against dangerous toxins and irritants as well as to reduce the loss of oils and moisture. A shielding lotion replaces the barrier that’s stripped away with the daily use of most soaps and cleansers. Let me just tell you, this stuff works! My skin is no longer dry nor itchy. I love love love it!”

Kristina Paulson

Peaches Reviews and Giveaway Blog

“As the cold winter weather rolls in, so does the dry, itchy, and flaky skin. Thankfully, Skin MD Shielding Lotion™ has come to my rescue! I am not very picky when it comes to lotion, but this stuff knocked my socks off. I could not believe the difference in my skin.”

Whitney Baugh

It’s Gravy Baby Blog

“Winter is toying with Iowa. One day we’ll have bitingly cold winds and the next will be mild and fall-like. But my skin knows it’s coming. Once the humidity drops my skin dries out, gets incredibly itchy and begins to flake. It’s like I have dandruff on my entire body. And once I begin to scratch I can’t stop. The red welts I leave behind are attractive. (uh-huh) If that isn’t enough my eczema gets worse in the winter and my hands take on a lovely red and raw appearance.

I usually go through lotions by the gallons and end each day with a greasy coating on my skin – which also flakes! – and still itching.

About a month ago I was offered the chance to try Skin MD Shielding Lotion™. The main difference between a Shielding Lotion™ and regular lotions is that Shielding Lotions™ create a protective barrier on the skin to keep the moisture in while regular lotions simply add moisture.

Shielding Lotion™ also feels completely different than a regular lotion. It’s not so heavy and thick; it has a much more fluid consistency and isn’t greasy.

I’ve been using the Skin MD for about 3 weeks now and I have noticed a difference. By the end of the day I’m not itchy, flaky or greasy. After 3 days of using the lotion I now only apply it once in the morning and am set for the day. I’ve also noticed that my eczema isn’t flaring up like it was a month ago. I haven’t tried it on my face yet but given the results I’ve seen on my hands I am going to.

Both my daughters have sensitive skin as well (my genetic gift to them) and we’ve been using the Skin MD lotion on them after their baths. I’ve noticed the biggest changes in Brenna’s skin. She’s usually a ‘scratcher’ and she hasn’t been itching lately. It’s really quite nice to see her skin unmarked.

I’m definitely a fan of this product.”

Jody Halsted

Iowa Geek Online Blog

“With the coming of winter also comes the itchy, dry, scaly skin! You know what I mean? Arms and legs that begin to look like this.

Well thanks to Skin MD we may not have to worry about snake skin this winter, at least not on our skin. Now our purses, well that’s another post. Skin MD is not just another moisturizing lotion, but rather a Shielding Lotion.

It not only adds moisturizer that is being drawn out from soaps, weather, and daily life, but it also provides a barrier that traps in your moisturizer. So now your skin can feel smooth to the touch and have that nice glow too.

I was excited to try samples of Skin MD because we are always on the search for new moisturizing products for myself, my husband, and daughter. I always seem to develop very dry legs in the winter. I would think that I would have the problem in the summer with my skin being exposed so much, but I find that the winter when I’m wearing my jeans and boots is when I begin to get the dry itchy skin.

Skin MD has really addressed the problem though, and it is nice to not sit and itch after a day in pants! My husband has very dry, cracked feet and after applying the lotion consistently for about a week, he noticed a difference, especially when he wears his sandals or crocs, which leave his skin exposed. The barrier seems to protect his skin, allowing it to retain moisturizer.

My daughter also has a light case of eczema, and after using it for a couple weeks we have noticed a difference in the amount of bumps on her skin. They seem to have reduced in size, and she is not itching nearly as much. I’m hoping if we stay consistent with applying the shielding lotion, we may be able to get rid of it entirely!

One of my biggest peeves about moisturizing lotions is feeling like a greased pig after I have applied the lotion. I cannot stand that oily feeling! The great thing with Skin MD is that while my skin felt moisturized, it did not feel the least bit oily. That made me really happy!

Skin Md is also fragrance and colorant free, so I feel safe using the product on my skin and my daughter’s too. It is also not tested on animals which is something else I look for when testing new cosmetic products.”

Mel Tuttle

Mel’s Box of Chocolates Blog

“There is nothing that kills my skin more then the dry, harsh condition of a New York winter. I carry gobs of different types of lotions in my purse in order to ward off that rough feeling that makes me feel so “untouchable”.

Nothing really works well. Most feel greasy and very soon after applying seem to wear off and stop working. I had just about given up and accepted the fact that in the winters especially my skin would feel dry and itchy…

And then I tried Skin MD…

Skin MD is not only a moisturizer, it is a shielding lotion. And that is what makes this product so different then others in the same category.”

Wendy Wallach

It’s Really Only a Purple World Blog

“I am the type of person whose skin goes downhill in the winter time. Itchy, flaky you name it, that’s how my skin gets. So I was extremely happy to be asked to review Skin MD Shielding Lotion™. And let me tell you this stuff really works. I have been looking for a long time for a lotion that was safe to put on my face, yet actually makes it softer. I have tried many products and I think I have finally found the one that will work. And my hands, oh I love how they feel. Having my hands in water most of the day for dishes and baths for the kids makes them all dried out and yucky feeling, but not anymore. The Skin MD Shielding Lotion™ works wonders! I am very impressed.”


The Dirty Shirt Blog

“I love lotions and quite frankly I need them. If my legs get dry they itch and then I can’t stop scratching them, it’s awful. Beacause of this I put lotion on daily and I need my lotion to not just smell good or temporarily soothe my skin, it must work all day. If I have to reapply I don’t want to use it. I was sent Skin MD lotion to try out. Skin MD is supposed to not only moisturize your skin but it claims to heal it as well. I have been using it for a week or so now and I must say I do find it a very effective lotion. My skin feels moist and is not itchy or flaky. I also like that it uses botanical ingredients like Aloe Vera to help soothe and moisturize your skin.”

Ellen Peppercorn

Thrifty and Chic Mom Blog

“Living in the Mid West means learning to deal with harsh winter months on your skin. I am not going to have to worry about that as much this year, thanks to Skin MD.”

Jaime Pott

Simple Mom Review Blog

“During the cold dry months of the year, I reach for thick, heavy creams to help fight dry skin. My husband also suffers from dry skin, but he hates applying lotion. Something about the greasiness gives him the heebie-jeebies. He’d rather suffer (and complain) through dry, cracked elbows and itchy skin than apply lotion. So when I got Skin MD’s Shielding Lotion™, I gave it to him to test out first. The reason being that this lotion is super lightweight and gel-like – no greasiness at all. And I thought we could see how it’d do on his super dry skin.

The lotion was a hit! He loved the consistency of the formula and has been gladly applying it for days. But despite the light and thin formula, it has actually done a better job of keeping his skin moisturized than heavier lotions. His elbows are looking human again. The neutral, light scent is also a big plus – as he says, ‘it isn’t girly.'”

Storey Blackwell

Beauty is Easy Blog

“I had dry, itchy skin, due in part to moving from the warm south to the cold north. I also suffer from thyroid problems which makes my skin dry. My kids also had dry skin because of eczema. Notice how I said ‘HAD’. The reason my skin is feeling much better is because of a new lotion I have tried from Skin MD.”

Brodie Spivey

1 Prince and 3 Princesses Blog

“After washing my hands, they get dry, and lately I’ve noticed my arms get dry and itchy after showers.

It’s winter & in the winter we all get very dry skin. The boys eczema flairs up & we all get super itchy. Being pregnant makes it worse for me & I need a good lotion for all of us. Well Skin MD Shielding Lotion™ is made in the USA, is over 90% botanical, has SPF 15 & moisturizes the skin plus shields the elements away, which makes it the perfect lotion for us!”


My Silly Monkeys Blog

“It seems like my skin is always thirsty. I use lotion every time I get out of the shower and a few hours later, my skin is dry. It gets itchy and sometimes it even gets sore. I live in Kentucky and one day it will be hot and humid and the next day will be 50 degrees. The weather here definitely doesn’t do any favors for my dry skin. I also have very sensitive skin, so I have to be careful about the products I use. Skin MD is made of all botanical ingredients. This is a Shielding Lotion™ that keeps skin hydrated all day long. The formula for this lotion moisturizes your skin six times more than other lotions.

No animal products or testing
Dermatology tested
Fragrance & colorant free
Paraben free

After about a week of using this lotion, I can notice a significant difference in my skin even before I put the lotion on. This is most likely because it contains aloe vera which regenerates skin.”


Frebbies 4 Me and U Blog

“With winter upon us my family suffer from dry, itchy skin. We have now found a lotion that works for all of us including my youngest son who suffers from eczema. The best part is this lotion isn’t oily on your skin and helps lock in your skin’s own oils. It is also fragrance free and hypoallergenic. I’m really impressed with this lotion and would recommend it to anyone!”

Belinda Parker

Mommy World Blog

“Thank you to Skin MD for sending me a bottle of their Shielding Lotion™ to test… the timing could not be better! Winter in Ontario is rough…the snow flies, the winds blow and the furnaces hum constantly in order to keep our homes warm. The draw-back to a warm home is dry air. I, like many cold-weather winter dwellers suffer with the effects of dry skin for months on end. For as long as I can remember my hands have been chapped. But, it is not just my hands, I feel that itchy-all-over feeling every day throughout the winter months.

There are so many lotions available on the market, and believe me when I say I have tried many of them. Another issue I have encountered over the years is irritability to my skin when I apply lotions… it has been an ongoing issue to find a lotion which didn’t cause my skin to react. So, when my lotion from Skin MD arrived I applied a small amount with caution to my hands to see if my skin would react.

I am happy to report that this lotion went on light, absorbed quickly and wasn’t greasy. And, even better my hands did not burn or begin to blister. Since receiving my lotion from Skin MD I have been using it on my arms and legs as well, with fabulous results. I have even been applying it with confidence to my children. I feel good about putting a lotion on their skin which is botanical and non-irritating.

I am feeling comfortable in my skin and it is thanks to Skin MD!”

Pam Young

Country Mouse City Mouse Blog

“I am a lotion fanatic. It drives my husbands nuts because you can walk into any room of our house and there is a bottle of lotion there; sometimes more than one. The reason is simple.

I have dry skin.

The winter months here in the Pac NW wreak havoc on this girls legs and hands. I have super sensitive legs and once they get even the least bit dry, they itch like CAH-RA-ZY! I wake up in the middle of the night scratching. I’ve even drawn blood before. Gross I know! And my hands get so dry that sometimes it hurts to put lotion on because my skin is so irritated.

My problem is that I’m picky about lotions. I need it to provide me with the moisturizer I need and not leave me feeling greasy and nasty.

Well, my problem was just solved thanks to Skin MD Shielding Lotion™.
Unlike regular lotions that just add a layer of moisture to the surface of your skin giving you temporary relief by masking the dry skin, Skin MD Shielding Lotion™ seals in your body’s moisturizer. By doing this it allows your skin to use it’s natural moisturizer to heal itself. It also replaces the barrier that get stripped away by soaps and cleansers.

I have absolutely fallen in love with this stuff.

I have gotten rid of all the perfume infused lotions that I often got as gifts, all the brands of moisturizers that I have bought, and replaced them with this.

Currently, there is a bottle in my purse, on my nightstand, in my car and in the downstairs bathroom. I love that it makes my hands and legs feel so smooth and soft. And as I mentioned it doesn’t have that greasy feeling. Another great thing is since I have started using it, my leg hair is actually softer and easier to shave leaving my legs smooth and reducing any razor burn.”

Tina Kelley

Mad Hatter Mom Blog

Blovet Beauty Blog

“It is that time of the year. Where your skin cracks, peels, chaffs and over all feels like it is on fire. Funny… during the summer… I get darker and more tan… but during the winter… I seem to turn gray! Yes, gray… my skin is so dry and ashy that I look half-dead because of the color.

Thanks to Skin MD… I have a ‘brighter’ looking winter skin this year. I seem to have found my natural tanned self once again. When it comes to lotion… you need one that doesn’t just sit on the top of your skin, but that penetrates deep into the cells of your skin and nourishes your body.

With the Shielding Lotions™ from Skin MD you are able to have younger, fresher and healthier skin than before. Feel free to enjoy the wintertime and all the activities that make this time of year special without feeling the pain of cracked skin.”

The IE Mommy Blog

“I have super dry skin. It is a pain… literally. I am always on the lookout for a good lotion. The thing is not only do I have super dry skin I also have super sensitive skin so it is that much harder for me to find a good lotion. Well my days of looking are over. I have found it, the ultimate lotion, which is the epitome of what all lotions should be. Skin MD is good for your face, body, and hands. I coat myself in it and I no longer have dry skin. Quite the contrary, I have the softest skin now. I love Skin MD because not only does it keep my skin super soft it is also a Shielding Lotion™ which means it also protects your skin from moisture-robbing irritants while hydrating your skin throughout the day. How awesome is that! I also love that it is not an oily moisturizer, I don’t like it when you put lotion on and your skin is all oily afterward. This lotion gets absorbed super quickly leaving your skin soft and dry.”

Debra Lowrey

Familylicious Reviews Blog

“Winter is pretty much in full blast here. And that makes keeping your skin hydrated really hard. Luckily, we’ve found Skin MD. I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked as well as this lotion. The part of my body that gets the most dry is my legs. Specifically my knees and shins. With shaving, and the cold weather mixed together, my skin becomes flaky and irritated really fast. I apply a very small amount of this lotion after a shower, and it works all day.”

Felicia King

Lady Bugs and Tonka Trucks Blog

“Skin MD absorbed quickly and easily into my skin and didn’t leave behind an oily, sticky residue on the skin like some of the other lotions do.”

Chaterine Copeland

Thrifty Maven Blog

“The Skin MD lotion is very milky and watery. At first I thought to myself that this was not going to provide enough hydration or moisture to my skin because it wasn’t creamy and thick enough. The texture is almost more like a serum more than a lotion/cream.

The lotion absorbed super fast into my skin, it almost felt like I didn’t even apply any lotion and it left my skin really soft and silky. To my surprise it did a really good job in keeping my skin hydrated. Since the lotion itself was very light and had no scent whatsoever I even tried using it on my face and actually loved it.”

Amy Naree

Amy Naree Beauty Binging Blog

“I am in love with the amazing Skin MD Lotion. It works wonders and my skin is looking the best it ever has!”

Peggy Gorman

“I tried it as hand and body lotion and I immediately noticed the difference between ordinary body lotion and Shielding Lotion™. I have very dry skin, especially this season. Cold weather makes my skin dry, flaky and itchy. Upon applying Skin MD lotion regularly in a span of one week, the flaky, dry skin is gone. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.”

Shina Mutya-Combalicer

“During the cold dry months of the year, I reach for thick, heavy creams to help fight dry skin. My husband also suffers from dry skin, but he hates applying lotion. Something about the greasiness gives him the heebie-jeebies. He’d rather suffer (and complain) through dry, cracked elbows and itchy skin than apply lotion. So when I got Skin MD’s Shielding Lotion™, I gave it to him to test out first. The reason being that this lotion is super lightweight and gel-like – no greasiness at all. And I thought we could see how it’d do on his super dry skin.

The lotion was a hit! He loved the consistency of the formula and has been gladly applying it for days. But despite the light and thin formula, it has actually done a better job of keeping his skin moisturized than heavier lotions. His elbows are looking human again. The neutral, light scent is also a big plus – as he says, ‘it isn’t girly’.”

Storey Blackwell

Beauty Is Easy Blog

“It’s not thick at all and immediately absorbs into skin, leaving zero (and I mean zero) film or greasiness on my skin. Awesome! I hate that. After applying my skin felt immediately moisturized – softer and healthier. And I really liked that the light consistency is easy to apply.”


Beauty Girl Reviews Blog

“If there was one thing I loved about this product, it was it’s texture. It’s almost addicting. It’s very thin, and the skin absorbs it in NO TIME! I seriously loved that. Also, since I’m an allergic freak, I was hesitant to try it at first, but it has no fragrance, and it’s non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic.”


“Winter weather has never done my skin any favors. My super sensitivity to the cold temps, biting winds, and dry air generally leaves me with wind burned cheeks and cracked skin on my hands. And I HATE how yucky cracked skin looks. Obviously, growing up in Wisconsin, there was no escape from the winter weather so I spent so much time shellacking on lotion that most of the time did not work.

In early December, the lovely people at Skin MD contacted me and asked if I would like to try out their Shielding Lotion™. Knowing I had a trip to Wisconsin coming up, I said sure. If it would work there, it would probably work anywhere. Given that I live in D.C. I assumed that the winter here would be mild as it has been in four previous winters that I have lived here. Well, we all know that DC was of course blessed with its worst winter in history. Two blizzards, almost five feet of snow, blistering cold winds, and ridiculous cold temps. My skin is so grateful that I had Skin MD Shielding Lotion™. My skin that usually cracks soooo bad in even the mildest of winters? I had zero issues this year. Zero.”

Rebecca Hutchinson

“I’m a huge fan of your Skin MD SPF moisturizer – it is perfect for my sensitive skin, has a pleasant scent and excellent formulation – it goes on smoothly, is not all tacky or greasy, moisturizes really well and doesn’t irritate my skin.

I had been using Shiseido daily moisturizer for years but Skin MD is definitely superior to the high-end Japanese brand I used before.”

Louise Royston

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